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Terms & Conditions

Privacy Policy

01. You can visit the Website without registration, however in order to use full services, provided by the Website and the Company You are obligated to register at the Website. Personal information is collected (received) only when you provide it. During registration, You provide Your name, address, e-mail address, and contact details. When You use the Website, you can obtain information in other ways as well. Our servers receive and store information about You, such as Your IP address, browser name, computer type, technical details about users, and means of connecting to the website, such as type of operational system, name of internet provider company, and other similar technical details. This information helps us to be informed of and better understand users’ behavior and trends. We also receive information about Your activity on the website. This information allows us to offer you more customized and preferable services. Upon Your registration, we receive information, provided by You, e.g. Your e-mail address, password, etc. The Company may receive other information about You from other customers’ complaints, our service center, or other sources of information.

02. The Company takes proper electronic, physical, and other security measures to ensure the protection of Your personal data from illegal access, change, or publication. All data, provided by You, is securely stored in server databases. All pages of the Company, containing Your personal information, are password-protected. The Company will never ask for Your password via phone call or e-mail. We will not provide Your personal data to third parties without Your consent, except for cases envisaged by the Legislation (authorized requests of legal and state bodies within their authorities, judicial requests, etc.). We can make Your data available only to Our affiliated entities in cases when this information is necessary for providing You the Services or improving them. We cooperate with other companies and/or physical entities in order to provide You with proper Services, e.g. order collections, database analytics, marketing support, processing and clearing of payments with banking cards, and customer service. Mentioned entities receive access to the information, necessary for performing their specified operations, and have no right to use this information for other purposes.

03. We can use the information, provided by You, in order to:

  • Meet Your requests on the Services, products, and warnings;

  • Offer Services and products of Your interest;

  • Support You in using the website;

  • Adjust Your account settings and revise our Services in accordance with Your preferences;

  • Analyze the use of the website, and improve the website and the Services;

  • Protect the website and prevent its misuse;

  • Other cases, defined by the Law.

General Provisions

01. These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter also “the Terms” or “the Contract”) define and regulate legal relations, related to services provided by “EHDM Group Inc” company (hereinafter also “the Company”, “We”, “EHDM Group Inc”) through the Company’s website and/or mobile application (hereinafter also “the Website”).​

02. By entering the Website, using any services of the Website, or downloading any content in full or partially (hereinafter also “the Services”), You, as a user (hereinafter also “the User”, “You”, “Your”), confirm that You have fully read, acknowledged and unconditionally accepted these Terms and Conditions, whether You are the Company’s customer, registered user of the Website or visitor.​

03. The Company has the right to unilaterally revise these Terms at any time without any prior notice. In case of revising the Terms, the Company shall publish new Terms on the Website, stating the date of the last revision. It is the User’s responsibility to regularly visit the Website and check the Terms for revisions. New Terms shall come into legal force and shall affect obligations, arising after the publication of the revised Terms on the Website.​

04. If You disagree with current Terms, You must not use the Website. By visiting the Website, opening an account, becoming a User, and using the Services You unconditionally accept these Terms in full.

Ability to accept the contract

By Accepting the Terms, You confirm that, according to the legislation of the country of Your current location, You have the legal capacity and right to use the Services. If You do not have full legal capacity, according to the legislation of the country of Your current location, and cannot independently use the Service, You must obtain the permission of Your parents or other authorized entities. If You represent a legal entity, You hereby confirm that You have all necessary authorities, provided by that legal entity and legislation of the country of the legal entity’s location, to use the Services. By accepting these Terms, You acknowledge that We cannot verify the data, information, and assertions You provide, thus You shall bear full responsibility for any violation of this provision.

Use of services, copyright

01. By accepting these Terms, You acknowledge that the Services include copyright and confidentiality elements, protected by the respective laws. By agreeing to these Terms You accept that the Company and its partners hold all rights on programs and applications on the website, related to the Services, the Services, their results, as well as all their further revisions, upgrades, and updates. Within the framework of these Terms “the rights” mean copyrights, licensing rights, rights on invention, production prototype and industrial model, trade secrecy, know-how, technical and aesthetic solutions, etc.

02. According to these Terms the Company authorizes the User to use the Services and their results solely for personal use (hereinafter also “the Authorization”). The Authorization includes the non-exclusive rights, which cannot be provided, rented, or otherwise transferred to third parties without the written consent of the Company. Without the written consent of the Company, the User is prohibited to copy, change, publish, reproduce or use the Services, their results, the programs, solutions, trademarks, information, design solutions, and any other information (hereinafter also “the Content”), accessible to the user in the course of using the Services and the Website, in any way other than specified within the usage framework, defined by the Terms.

03. The User is obligated not to use any programs, automated or other means for obtaining information available on the website and the Services in any way other than specified by these Terms. The User has no right to use the information and results of the Services, obtained by and/or accessible to the user from the website, for reproduction, republication, sharing on social networks, etc.

04. During or after the provision of the Services, the User has no right to put advertising, or any information on third parties, viruses, or computer codes on results of the Services or the Content, which can harm regular operations of computers or software.

05. The User has no right to collect information on third parties and/or offer the Company’s Services to entities, the User became aware of through the website.

06. The User has no right to provide false or incomplete information, or other parties’ information for using the Services. The User has no right to create a fake account, hide their age, or legal capability. The User confirms that any information provided does not infringe on third parties' rights. The User has no right to perform such operations, which may cause harm to third parties or the Company. Without the User’s consent, the Company has the right to extract such information or data from the website, which in the Company’s opinion may violate the Company’s or third parties' rights.

07. Any use of the Content, violating these Terms of Use, serves as a ground for the Company’s right to unilaterally terminate the Contract and withdraw the Authorization at any time. The User acknowledges that violation of the Terms and the Authorization may lead to infringement of laws, copyright, and other rights, and cause losses to the Company, thus the User commits to compensate losses caused to the Company and third parties as a result of the user's violation of the Terms.

Content of services

01. Services, provided by the Company, include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Design for interior/exterior (hereinafter also “the Design”) of apartments, houses, industrial areas, offices, and other real estate (hereinafter also “the Property”);

  • Online consulting, related to Interior / exterior design;​

02. The User acknowledges and accepts that the Services do not include capital renovation and constructive changes to the Property. The Company will never project, initiate and/or advise making such operations with the Property, which may reduce or change the Property’s firmness, affect its security or seismic resistance, and/or change the technical state of the Property.​

03. The User acknowledges and accepts that the Company’s Services are aimed at only proposing a visual solution to the design of the Property, while execution of these solutions, including, but not limited to product quality, durability, color match, light solutions, evenness of illumination, product installation firmness and quality, etc. is not associated with the Company and is implemented by the User or third parties, involved by that latter.​

04. Within 7 business days after receipt of necessary information and payment, the Company prepares the design according to images, floorplans, other technical data, conditions, and assignments (hereinafter also “the Materials”), provided by the User. In cases, when the Materials are deficient or provide incomplete information for ensuring the expected result, the Company has the right to request additional Materials. In such case calculation of the Service, the period starts from the moment of receiving payment and all Materials, necessary for the complete provision of the Service.​

05. Finalized Design is provided to the User by sending it to the e-mail address. The Service is considered provided at the moment of sending the Design to the User’s e-mail address.​

06. Upon the User’s will, the Design may be amended for the relevant additional payment (after 2 revisions). The Design is amended within 48 hours after receipt of the relevant application and payment.

Service price

01. The User is informed about prices for the Services and payment methods and unconditionally accepts them.​

02. The User acknowledges that the Service price can be unilaterally changed by the Company and accepts such changes.

Third-party websites and advertising

01. The Company’s website may contain references or hyperlinks to other Websites (hereinafter also “Other Websites”), articles, photos, images, graphic images, audio and video materials, information, programs, etc., which are placed by or belong to third parties (hereinafter also “Third parties’ materials”). The Company neither represents these Third parties nor has verified their materials’ integrity, truthfulness and accuracy and is not responsible for Third parties’ materials and Other Websites.​

02. The Company is not responsible for services, products, and works, offered by third parties through Our website.

Warranties and limitation of liability

01. The User acknowledges and agrees, that the Services are provided without warranty and the User uses the Service at their own risk.​

02. The Company does not warrant, that the Services will comply with Your demands and expectations, that the results of the Services will be free of faults, that the Services will be provided within the timeframe, specified by the Terms, that any computer or device will open the Design file and that all faults will be eliminated by the Company.​

03. Any material, received through the E-mail, is downloaded by the User at their own risk and the latter is responsible for the risk of damaging their computer or other devices by these programs or materials.​

04. The User acknowledges and accepts that the Company is not responsible for losses, incurred by the User or third parties, as a result of using the Design.​

05. The User acknowledges that the Services are provided only virtually and the Company cannot be held liable for their preparation, installation, and configuration at the User’s Property. The Company does not warrant the result of the Design and its real application.​

06. The User acknowledges that the Company’s obligations towards the User terminate upon sending the Design to the e-mail address, as specified by the User.​

07. The User clearly acknowledges and agrees that the Company is not liable for any losses, incurred by the User as a result of providing the Services or using the website, including, but not limited to real losses, lost profit, goodwill, data loss, property damage, etc.​

08. The User is liable for the violation of Design’s copyrights, providing false information, illegal use of other entities’ or Users’ data, which the User became aware of, on the website, violating the website terms of use and is responsible for compensating losses, including real losses and lost profit, incurred by third parties and the Company as a result of such activities.

Contract amendments and termination

The Company has the right to unilaterally amend, suspend, terminate the provision of Services, and terminate the Contract at any time without reason and prior notice.

Disputes resolution and legislation applied

Disputes related to this Contract are resolved according to legislation in force and through courts of the relevant jurisdiction in the location of the Company’s head office.

Other provisions

01. By concluding this Contract all previous arrangements and agreements between the parties shall terminate.​

02. Revocation of any of this Contract’s provisions does not lead to revocation of the whole Contract. The Contract remains in force, taking into consideration its meaning and purpose.​

03. The Contract is subject to interpretation, taking into consideration its whole meaning and purposes of the parties.

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